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Chow Line: CFAES center offers food safety resources, information
Ohio farmers hankering for rain
Chow Line: Meat thermometer is the best option to ensure food safety when grilling meat
CFAES is partnering with NRCS and Cargill for better soil health and water quality
Chow Line: Avoid hand sanitizers that contain methanol alcohol
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纳豆芽孢杆菌的分离培养与鉴定_图文_百度文库:2021-8-3 · 本试验主要对从纳豆中分离得到的纳豆 芽孢杆菌的细胞、菌落形态及生理特性进行研究,伍明 确这些菌株的种类,为后续试验提供菌种材料。 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 司。 1.1.3 实验室赠予。纳豆芽孢杆菌 CICC:10023 购自中国工业微 生物菌种保藏管理中心。
Moderate summer harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie